Thursday, August 14, 2014

Floating POA (Evening)

I returned to Floating this evening, starting off with the idea of a rage so intense that it bursts into bright clarity, but this quickly morphed into a large cat stalking prey. This struck me as very interesting because at first glance I would put a hunting cats slow controlled movements in the molding realm, but the realization that the cat is weightless, moving without the slightest bit of resistance, opened a whole new world of possibility. Suddenly the lack of physical effort allowed for the most acute concentration on the prey. All of my being went out to the object as I moved so incredibly slowly and fluidly. Never have I found it easier to move at such a slow tempo.

I morphed this into floating through a mental fog and found what it must be like to be highly sedated. Images flicker into view, ideas float by and disappear, but it's otherwise a vacuous existence on the mental plane. This floating thought slowed my body, as if forgotten; movements were sparse and meaningless.

I experimented further by applying the tool to the task of picking up the house and found that floating and flowing were combining. Trying to remove them from each other proved difficult, when concentrating on separating the two it became confusing--was a floating or flowing? do the two have similar qualities? What I decided is that perhaps I wasn't combining them, that the feeling of flowing can come in to play while floating. Imagine a feather floating through the air. An object moves by it, disrupting the air around it and the feather flows along the new current. It's still weightless, it still moves without hinderance, it's just effected by the external forces that come in contact with it.

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