Friday, August 15, 2014

POA Receiving (Afternoon)

Wow! Applying receiving in specific ways has such incredible results.

First I attempted to receive EVERYTHING at once. It was incredibly overwhelming, sickening really. I lost balance, the ability to see clearly, sounds became hollow and incoherent and yet full and overbearing. It was a field day of polarities that through my entire being off.

Singling my receiving down to a pinpoint on an object had interesting results as well. It was as if my whole world was this thing. At first it was comforting but then I began to experience anxiety and even anger, "are you lying to me?" "do you even care about me?"

Receiving only negative was extremely powerful. Practicing this while opening mail made for an incredible experience. Every word, the way the envelope resisted being opened, the very feeling of the paper, the information they were disclosing--EVERYTHING WAS TERRIBLE. Such intense feelings of frustration, anger, rage... they were immediate and full and I didn't have to try to experience them; I just was.

I ended on a positive note:  receiving everything as positive. This made opening the rest of the mail fun and light hearted. Even though some of the information in the gas bill was disconcerting (how are we spending more money on gas at a house in which no one is currently living and no appliances are turned on), my reception of the information as positive transformed this into important information that we wouldn't otherwise know. "We might need to keep an eye on it, the gas bill could be alerting us to problems with our gas line. How wonderful and thoughtful!!!"

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